Thursday, September 25, 2008

Nail in the Coffin for the John McCain Campaign?

Did you see the David Letterman Show for Wednesday Night, 9/25/2008? If not, go buy it. (I don't know. Does iTunes provide the David Letterman show?)

It seems that John McCain "Dissed" David Letterman, telling him that he couldn't appear on his show, due to the Economic meltdown.

So what does he do during the time that Letterman is being filmed? Shows up at CBS News with with Katie Couric instead!

Why do I want you to see this episode? Because Letterman does not let McCain get away with this rude behavior at all!

1 comment:

Kenneth Parker said...

One more thing about this story: This is simple etiquette, folks!

John McCain, quite simply, acted rude to David Letterman, and deserved everything he got, as a result, even to Mr. Letterman choosing Keith Olbermann as his standin.