Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Myths verses Facts in the Health Care Debate

Ladies and Gentlemen,

I just saw Obama's Town Hall meeting for Today (Tuesday), August 11, 2009. Now, immediately after the meeting was over, I'm hearing objections, that the people were hand picked. Perhaps so. For example, the names that were chosen online might have been handpicked to eliminate those with multiple, and/or recent charges of Disturbing the Peace. Why do I not think handpicking went beyond this? Because I saw all sides of the issue represented in the questions, even Republican concerns. But what I saw was Civil Discource. Nobody shouting other people down. No loud booing. (Even only polite applause, without the long standing ovations at other Obama rallys).

This strongly encouraged me, after hearing about some of the Town Hall meetings the Democrats were recently experiencing.

I choose to get my input from all sides of the issue. In fact, one email list I belong to regularly posts right wing rhetoric on the Health Care issue. My timing for this post was this web site, that was linked from one of those emails, as it throws all of the Right Wing concerns out at once. This allows me to answer some of these concerns.

Death Panels: This is the high-emotion fear-mongering term for a group of people who would supposedly visit older citizens, to "help them plan their upcoming death". The idea put forth is that older Americans would be visited every 5 years to determine if they are "too expensive" to keep alive. The truth is that this twists a provision (added, via Amendment by a Republican) that simply says that if somebody wants to do a "living Will" (where the individual initiates the contact), it will be reimbursed. But I needed to look closer to see if there is something like this in existing plans. Scroll forward in this Glossary to "Lifetime Maximum" to see an existing equivalent in current use. In this case, you are not visited by Government workers for counseling. Instead, when you need it most (i.e. Cancer), your Insurance cuts you off cold and every expense, after an arbitrary point is paid by you alone, or your Family! (I wonder: Are you still required to pay premiums for the care you are not getting?) And why are you cut off? I can only guess that it is because you now cost the Insurance Company too much money! (You know, actuarial tables and some such).

The Democratic bill would add Government run Health Insurance, where none exists now: This one can be quite short. Medicare and Medicaid are both Government run Health Care. Note that the website cited in the third paragraph is quite vocal, against Medicare and Medicaid!

The Comments are open on this post. I welcome opposing opinions. However, abusive comments will be deleted.


Michaelnorth said...

this is well spoken ken, thank you

Kenneth Parker said...

Thank you, Michael. Sometimes, I wonder if anybody reads this BLOG.

Note: I corrected the post itself to change "Death Squads" to "Death Panels", which is a more frequently used phrase.

Ken Parker in Seattle, Washington