Sunday, February 27, 2011

All Stick and no Carrot

A word to the "wise" in Madison, Wisconsin:

The current "Budget Repair Law" has no carrots, to entice any cooperation from the public employees. In other words, it says, in effect, "We will destroy your Union, and punish you, and keep punishing you, until you cower before us!" No wonder they are demonstrating in front of the Capitol building in Madison!

And the same thing about the Senate Democrats? You have no motivation for them to come back from Illinois. These 14 democratic senators know exactly what to expect when they do: The Budget Repair law passes in its current form, and their constituency is mad, because they couldn't help.

What is the answer? Actual cooperation and negotiation. A carrot for the other side, in effect. (Carrot? The Unions made it easy for you, Governor Walker, by capitulating completely on the financial aspects of the Repair law. Take out the Union Busting part, and the Democratic Senators already said they could come back).

Thank you and best regards,

Kenneth Parker, Seattle, WA, 206-307-6757

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