Friday, January 30, 2009

Congressional handling of Stimulus package giving me a Headache!

Hello Folks,

Didn't the Republicans come out, talking about Bi-Partisanship? My understanding of this, from my Party's view of taking the best of Liberal, and blending it with the best of Conservatism to make my [up-coming] Party Platform, is that cooperation and compromise is the direction we need, to heal this country's financial situation.

So what did we get today from the House? Democrats: 231 Yea, 11 Nay, 13 Not Voting? Republicans: ZERO Yea, 174 Nay, 4 Not Voting? Somebody please tell me that I'm dreaming this! (Latest update: Nope, not a chance!) Come on, now, don't the Republican members of the House of Representatives have any local constituents? Aren't some of them hobbled with sudden loss of their jobs, as well as possible foreclosures on their houses? And others, perhaps in danger of losing access to their Apartments because of the loss of ability to make rent? Aren't any of these Republican representatives worried that they might be voted out of office in the 2010 Midterm Elections? What are you looking for, Republicans? A house with 90+ percent Democrats in it?

A late, breaking update, at a subjective time of about 6:25 pm (I'm a bit behind on my TiVo, folks!) But this update came, thanks to Countdown with Keith Olbermann: The numbers have changed a bit: Now it's Democrats, 242 Yea, 12 Nay, 1 Not Voting, and Republicans, STILL ZIP on the Yea side, 177 Nay, and only one not voting!

Another late, breaking update, 9am hour (PST), January 30, 2009, Courtesy of MSNBC: Brad Blakeman defends the ZERO republican votes! Something about getting more jobs, purely via business tax cuts. (Once again, folks, if a company is in a period of loss, it won't get a penny from tax cuts (as zero tax is zero tax, regardless of tax rates). It's still free to spiral down to Chapter 11, losing its Employees, adding even more people to our unemployment rolls, as well as more people who might lose their homes and have to live under Freeway Overpasses!) Note that I haven't located a YouTube video yet.

And don't get me started on how Former Representative Dick Armey, (R) Texas, got Sexist with Joan Walsh of Salon.Com on Hardball on January 28, 2009, at about 2:42 pm PST (5:42 pm EST), after Joan Walsh asked if even one Republican gave thought to standing up and apologising to President Obama for the racist remark Rush Limbaugh spouted last week. This gets beyond partisan politics and into simple, human decency.

Note: Update posted January 29, 2009 at 2:35 pm: Links provided, to back up these stories. Thank you,, for providing the link to me! (Also note: Don't worry about correlation between my numbers, verses the link. That website will always provide the latest numbers, as well as who voted how. There were some late-breaking vote changes, mainly in the Democratic arena. I've still not seen any Republicans stepping forward to change their vote, however).

Latest Update posted January 30, 2009 @ 10:30 am, with mention of Brad Blakeman defending Republican rejection of Stimulus Package.

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