Friday, January 16, 2009

Republicans fight Obama Stimulus Plan

A group of Republicans do not appear to be happy with the Obama Stimulus package, as they are afraid that it has too much spending in it and too little of the tax cuts that the Republicans still think will save our economy.

The problem with this is that tax cuts for the most wealthy, at the same time as we were spending our country into two wars was, in my opinion, one of the reasons for our economic meltdown!

For example, according to an already obsolete March, 2008 article in the San Francisco Chronicle, we had already spent about $500 Billion on just the Iraq war, much more than the first half of the $700 Billion Wall Street bailout.

Why is it OK with the Republicans that we spend billions for destruction, but not OK with them that we spend the necessary billions on our country's crumbling Infrastructure?

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